Before Perspectus
Beyond our current clients, one
of our undoubted strengths is the portfolio of companies
that our consultants have worked for previously. The
following list gives a flavour of our credentials:
Abbey National
- Lloyds
TSB - ACNielsen - Lombard North
Central - adidas -
London Stock Exchange - Barclays Bank - British Steel - NatWest -
BT - News International - Burnett Associates - North West Water
- BZW - Sky Television -
Circle K - Thames Water - Credit Lyonnais - Thomas Cook - Deutsche Bank
- Unisys - Econos Consulting - Willis -
EMI Music Services - Yorkshire Electricity -
Freemans - Yorkshire Health Authority - Hewlett Packard - Irontrades Insurance
- Lex Industrial Group - Zurich Financial Services - Charcol
